Saturday, July 19, 2008

Our ChoTic LivEs

The last couple of months have been insane. After we got Alyssa's Graduation over we jumped right into summer. Alyssa and Laura are both working so that makes our schedules crazy. Laura was working two jobs for a while but is back to just one. Alyssa, Laura, and Molly all participated in the Patriotic program this year. Along with Molly doing summer music and Basketball Camp, all of them involoved with summer reading, Ashley going to Extended School Year, and Laura going to EFY, it just seemed to get busier. We have gotten lucky enough to follow Matt on two of his work related trips. The kids love to go swimming at the motel and Carter would be lost if we went to the Valley without going to Panda Express. We went down last week and got a clean bill of health for Ashley's back and feel very blessed to see her doing so well. It looks like it will slow down a tad till school starts after we get Alyssa moved next week. The only bad thing is that school start for Laura on August 4th. So as you can see we will probably only get one quiet week, but at this point we will take what we can get.


Deni said...

Sister Weber, you are one of my favorite people. I am so happy to have happened upon your blog. Your family is changing so much. Your kids are so lucky to have you and Bishop Weber. We sure love you guys.

- Deni (Bigler) Berger

Anonymous said...

Hey Sister Weber!
This is Jen Pastuer from the Woodland Park Ward in Colorado...I would just like to express my gratitude for your son Elder Weber. He is a fantastic missionary and such a joy to not only our lives, but the lives of many. We wish you and your family well and once again thank you for supporting your missionary!:D
Jen Pastuer