Sunday, January 20, 2008

Ashley's Scoliosis Surgery

On January 16th Ashley entered St. Joes Hospital in Phoenix for surgery. She was in surgery from 7:30 am to about 3:30 p.m. They fused from T-3 to L-3 using 26 screws, 2 rods and what appears to be three bridges. She was in Pediatric ICU for 3 days and then moved to the regular pediatric floor. She is doing very well today with high hopes of going home tomorrow (1-21-08). She is giving everyone hugs and smiles. We just want to thank everyone for all of the love, support and prayers. It has meant so much.


Rachel said...

We are so glad to hear she's doing okay. Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

wow... I am so glad to hear that all went well with the surgery. I hope you know how much I admire you and your beautiful family. You are so amazing!

Anonymous said...

Hi Webers! Im so glad I found your blog, thanks to Amanda (Tenney) Hall! You guys have such an amazing family. Ashley is in our prayers (as is your entire family), she is such a special girl. I cant believe Josh is on a mission!?!?!? I still see him as that cute little 7 or 8 year old boy helping out around the house. Colorado Springs is a beautiful place, we go quite often, its only about a half hour from us.