Sunday, March 9, 2008


The past two months have been a whirlwind. Ashley's recovery period has totally consumed us. We have been so busy with her it seems as if everything else has gone on hold. She is doing well and started back to school last week. After we got her home from the hospital the first three weeks was spent mostly sleeping and trying to keep her comfortable.

The last few weeks have been spent desperately trying to keep her still. She is getting very active and so are her seizures. She is off all pain meds and is doing well but her seizures seem to be worse. She has to go in on the 25th of March for a High Contrast CT scan. We are not sure if this means bad news or just not enough info from the scan they took a couple of weeks ago. Everyone else is doing well. Carter has learned the art of Chocolate Chip Cookie Making and begs to do it all the time.

Alyssa and Laura are busy with School and Softball. Josh is doing great in CO and has a new companion named Elder Webster. And the little girls are anxousiosly awaiting SPRING!!! Thank you so much for all your support and prayers.


Teanne said...

Surprise! This is Teanne Reed. (Not Reed anymore though) I am totally amazed! I don't know if you remember me, but I used to love babysitting your kids... that was back when you only had 3 and then later after Ashley came. I remember babysitting when Ashley was a baby. It is so crazy to think that Joshua now has his mission call. I was blown away by your family picture! It has grown! And all your kids are grown up! I was so surprised and happy to see that picture. You are welcome to check out my blog as well if you'd like to. One of my friends from Heber just created a blog and from her blog I have stumbled across others from Heber that I have not seen in almost 10 years. So I just wanted to say hi, and tell you how much I loved being with your family all those years ago. You were a great example to me of a good mom, and I can appreciate it even more now that I am a mom. Take care.

Nic and Jessica Despain Family said...

I am glad that she is doing well! I wish we had known that you were down here at least we could have brought you dinner or something!! I hope she continues to feel well and our thoughts and prayers are with her.

{nicole coombs} said...

Jake and I wanted to tell you guys thanks again for coming to the valley to be with us on our speacial day! We just hope Bishop knows how much we love him and are thankful for all his help and support and prayers. we just hope that someday we can return the favor. We love you guys and hope all is well!!
Love the Coombs Family